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More Careful in Maintaining Children's Weight

Maintaining a child's weight will affect the growth process. This cannot only be seen from the appearance of the child. Having the ideal weight is not only important for adults, children too. Every child has a different body type and a varied growth process. In addition, heredity is also very influential in the formation of the body and the development of a person's weight. Body Mass Index (BMI) or Body Mass Index (BMI) can be used to help you find out how to maintain a child's weight. This method was developed by experts to find out whether a person is in a healthy weight range according to his height. BMI is used as an indicator of body fat composition, including for children and adolescents. This method is considered as one of the simple methods to find out how healthy a child's weight is. To determine a child's BMI, accurate height and weight measurements must be taken. Personal measurements at home are not necessarily appropriate, so it is recommended to take measurements by a doctor. It is also a good idea to enter data based on the latest child size. This is due to the age, height, and weight of the child continues to change with its development every day.

Utilize Body Mass Index as Indicator

You can find out whether your child's BMI is in the normal range or not through the calculator below. Choose the option to calculate BMI for children. Then enter your gender, date of birth, height data and child's weight. Then select the calculation button (calculate). The results of calculations include:
  • Underweight is less weight.
  • Healthy weight is healthy body weight or normal.
  • Overweight is excess body weight.
  • Very overweight, that is, excess body weight.
In contrast to adults, the results of the calculation of BMI in children are then compared with a child's growth chart. The graph applies to all children regardless of ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and type of food. This table is released by the World Health Organization (WHO). You can visit a pediatrician to find out more about this. Doctors also usually collect additional information to draw conclusions whether the child's weight is classified as ideal or not. It is important to know about weight problems and overcome them early on in children as a preventative measure for growth disorders.

What if the child's weight is not ideal?

For children with low body weight, it does not mean they should be given high-calorie foods, such as candy, chocolate, cakes, sugary drinks, or fatty foods. They still need a balanced nutritional diet consisting of carbohydrates, fruits and vegetables, protein, and milk and its derivatives. This is why you need further consultation with a doctor or a nutritionist after knowing the child's weight condition and health status and growth and development. In addition to maintaining your diet and nutritional intake, here is information you need to know to maintain the health of children who weigh less than normal or that exceed the normal range.
  • Child's weight is less than normal.

  • Most children who are thin do not experience anything. Only the possibility of puberty and their body development is different from a child of the same age. However, most underweight children will have a normal weight after reaching the stage of puberty as a teenager. If the child continues to experience underweight, this is likely caused by a health disorder that requires medical attention. Immediately consult a doctor if low weight accompanied by symptoms such as frequent feeling tired or sick, accompanied by coughing, abdominal pain, or diarrhea that exceeds two weeks.
  • Child's weight exceeds the normal range.

  • Try to keep the children getting enough fruit and vegetables every day. Provide calorie intake from foods with carbohydrates such as bread, potatoes, pasta or rice. Avoid foods with high sugar or fat content, such as biscuits, cakes, candy, and soft drinks. Changes can start from small things, such as replacing soft drinks with water, reducing food portions, and exercising together on weekends, like walking around your housing complex.
If your family is accustomed to eating foods or snacks high in calories and not moving a lot, then chances are the child will imitate these habits. In this condition, there are two possibilities that will occur, namely overweight children or even obese. To overcome this, consult your doctor for recommendations on appropriate diet and exercise. Avoid drastically reducing calories or undergoing a strict diet carelessly because it can inhibit the development of the child's body. Also, be aware of the possibility of children who initially have weight problems, eventually experiencing health problems in adulthood. Children and adolescents who are overweight and obese, as adults, are more at risk of developing type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure. For children who already have an ideal body weight, it is still advisable to maintain their diet and physical activity. Make sure their nutritional intake is in accordance with needs. If necessary, check regularly with your doctor to monitor your child's growth and development. Consult with a nutritionist if you need information about nutrition that is appropriate for the age and sex of the child.


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